Thursday, March 15, 2012

The World's Ending But I'm Not

I looked on Google Health News today and found a ridiculous number of depressing articles.
People who don't sleep enough consumer more calories than those who don't, according to new study all red-meat is bad, people who take vitamins don't live as long as those that do (I don't buy that one), school's can choose meat with pink slime or not, sperm quality related to dietary fat, eye disease linked to memory decline, etc. WHAT NEWS IS IMPORTANT?

One starts to worry, am I healthy? Am I doing all I should? The truth is our society has a lot of issues and you should focus on yourself. You know what you need to work on, so don't stress these little things. (which in many cases are large things.) Most of the time people know how to be healthy and once you do it, many of these articles no longer apply to you. For example, if you're a male, your sperm quality is probably fine if you're eating a healthy diet. You're less likely to get eye disease if you're healthy. In most cases, if you encounter a problem the Dr. will help inform you with this excess information that you need to know.

Finally, Everything in moderation. Most of us have ate red meat. Should we suddenly stop eating it? That's your choice, but I know some old people that eat it and are just fine. As always that quality of your meat matters, however a little bit of red meat probably wont hurt you.
Our society likes to bring up issues and it can get us depressed. Don't let it. If anything avoid it. Don't read those health articles. See an actual Dr. or Dietitian, do what you need to be healthy. Your health is most important, because if it isn't, you wont be productive or live well (maybe even die young.).

This article is a little jumbled, but I hoped you enjoyed my post.
Stay Strong,

Picture from:
Also, relating to the picture:
Health articles are always changing! One study says one thing and the next one says it's bad. Therefore do what you know is good and don't always trust what you believe.
At one time they believed smoking was o.k. Now we know the health effects, but it takes a long time to have decisive studies and results.

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