Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wipeout! The All-Around Athlete

Hi Everyone,
Sorry for my inconsistency's with posts but I am on spring break this week and I have not been on a productive streak, a little too much t.v. and girl scout cookies.

My post today is going to be on the show Wipeout on ABC and how I inspire to be on it.

Wipeout has hundreds of variables but it requires two skills: Coordination and stamina. I guess we could really throw in a third variable: luck, because it seems a lot of this show also relies on luck and proper timing. The show is a test of athleticism and it is impressive to see some of the contestants on this show.

For those who are unaware Wipeout is a huge obstacle course and you have to get through certain rounds by completing them fast. Eventually, once you get through those rounds you will make it to the final round which is your shot at 50,000 dollars, if you finish with the fastest time. The whole point of the show is to watch the contestant fall off the obstacle course and smash into things.
I have never seen a contestant go through a round without falling, it's nearly impossible. Most people that go on the show mostly go on for laughs and hope to win the grand prize. These contestants are often not athletes or train before going on the show. If they did they could do so much better.

Wipeout is exhausting because it is round after round and fall after fall. One swims, runs, gets hit, falls, and it looks painful. It looks as though someone is getting the wind knocked out of them on most of the falls. I would love to attempt it!

My favorite is the hotties vs nerds or couch potatoes vs cheerleaders. Their specials are really entertaining. The clip I have is an example of one of those, both categories are hopeless.
Wouldn't this show be much more interesting with true competitors?

Stay Strong,

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