Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Exercise 2/21: Circuit Training, Workout Time Constraints

Circuit training is one of the most effective all-around work outs I have done and it is self created to one's own liking. Circuit training is great because it is an all-around work-out and one can combine aerobic and anaerobic activities in one go. I therefore can effectively get my cardio and strength workouts done in anywhere between 30min to an hour.
I advise doing circuit training on an indoor track if available.
My method for circuit training is I choose a different station at each corner of the track.
I generally go to a different corner after 2 laps around the track. Each corner can change, as long as you keep on moving. If you get fatigued, at least walk. Do not just stand and rest, the goal is to keep moving.
Examples of exercises for each category/corner:
-Varieties of push ups
-Different ab exercises: sit ups, planks, etc.
-Jumping Jacks
-Wall Sits
-Different weight lifting exercises
-Ladder exercises
-Add in a sprint around the track.
The whole purpose of these stations is to add something in that is strength and also gets
your heart rate up faster, meaning you're likely to burn more calories (if that is what you're aiming for). It also just makes you a more rounded athlete and can work a variety of muscles within little time.
It's a great work out on a busy day and I'm a big fan. Adapt to your liking, and don't stop moving!
Please comment and give me a review of what you think!
Have a great day!
Stay Strong!
(I thought this photo was interesting, you can do it yourself instead of having to pay.

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