Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Biggest Loser Inspiration

I think the coolest job in the world would be to be a trainer on The Biggest Loser! I watch The Biggest Loser religiously and usually always watch it every Wednesday on Hulu the day after it comes out! I have to admit this current season is the best one I have seen in a while. The reason I love to watch this show is because the contestants work so hard, they're all fighters.

All the contestants are fighters, however they did not start out that way. They all come on to the show severely overweight and torn down by emotional problems. Most of them have all gotten so busy that they forget to take care of themselves and make excuses. After watching this show it is an inspiration to me and has greatly impacted several of the ways I live.

The Inspiration I've Gained:
-If the contestants can do their work-outs at their current weight there is no reason I cannot do mine. I can also fight as hard as they do!
-You're worth it, you got to make time for yourself and you deserve to be happy and fit.
-Work-out in the morning! Make it your first activity in the morning and then you're workout clear for the whole day. You may say you're going to workout after class or work, however once your done with class or work you might feel to tired and not. If you workout in the morning it help ensures that you'll never miss that workout.
-Junk food isn't food, it is poison. I learned this from Losing it with Jillian when she threw out a whole party's food because she was trying to help someone lose weight. She said it wasn't food and it was poison because it would create a list of problems for one's body.
-Push yourself, you wont pass out. Jillian would always say I want you to work until you pass out. No one ever passed out which means you can really push yourself.
-If you don't work faster I'm going to break your leg!!! -Bob Harper

Those are my most common inspirations! I'm sure I have a few more and I highly recommend the show!
Stay Strong,
The picture is from
and it is of Hannah and Olivia of Season 11 of The Biggest Loser! These two sisters placed first and second that season and they almost never had a bad week. They did not make excuses, they just got it! Even near the end they were still pulling great numbers! There is a reason they won that show and are still in-shape today. If you ever see an article with them, I would take their advice.

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