Friday, February 24, 2012

The Call Vs. Text Dilemma

It's easier to text than to call, however sometimes texting is not appropriate or the best way of communication.
Here are my rules of texting (I am sure I'll forget a few):
-Do not say anything via text you would not say to someone face to face.
-Do not text people who are significantly older than you or are your boss, unless they tell you that you can or they have texted you.
-Be careful using smileys and other faces, these can get annoying fast.
-Now that smart phones exist and most people have keyboards on their phones do not significantly shorten words. Spell them out. Some are still ok such as bc for because, or w/-with, or lmfao, omg, and lol. Most however should be spelled out now.

Relationship texting rules:
-A text in the middle of the day can be nice just to check in and say but don't try to plan a date or make plans via text.
-However, you can check up on previous plans you made via text. "Are we still on for tonight at 8 at x location?"
-You can text someone after a date and should, but these are simple things like "had a great night, can't wait to see you again." Or "just saw someone that looked like that man sitting at the table across from us who laughed ridiculously loud."
-If you're making a joke during texts add a smiley or tell them in a couple minutes after the text. Jokes can be hard to tell during texting and can often be taken the wrong way.
-People appreciate calls more than texts. It is more effort and more personal; people appreciate that.
-It is fair to not return texts, but you should always return a phone call. (within reason)
-Do not endlessly text someone or text someone everything. It shows that you are desperate and don't have other things in your life. Little updates here and there are fine, however full conversations via text or using your texting as a twitter isn't good.
-Simple: No break-ups via text. You're nicer and classier than that. Tell that to someone in person.
-Never text on a date, or in front of someone significant. Also, do not interrupt conversations with, "I got to check this text." You're attention is on the person you are talking to or dating. If you really got to text someone or answer a text say you got to go to the bathroom and text in there.
-If you're too scared to text someone that you've met through friends because you think he or she might have a crush on you or you have a crush on them. Text them something like, "hey when are you free?" and then bring them cookies or something special. That of-coarse is if you are too scared to call them.
-If you have seen someone a couple times and you think there was some spark, however he or she isn't texting you back this may be for multiple reasons. That person may no longer be interested, that person may be busy, or that person may be having phone problems. If you think that person isn't interested try to give them a call. In all honesty it's also going to be best to take that courage and tell him or her, "I really like you and I haven't heard from you. Please be honest how you're feeling and hopefully we can at least be friends if not more." That step of honesty is very important and will clear up a lot of tension or nervousness. If you are thinking they're busy with stuff, write a little note and pass it on to them. Also, if you think their phone is dead, contact one of their friends and ask (be careful who), and then just wait.
-Never let your hopes down, calls are best, and remember if one guy or girl doesn't click with you there are several others in this world.
I don't think this is the best post, but a few of my thoughts!
*Remember this is a very opinionated post as well.
Good luck!
Stay Strong,
Image from
*Interesting article as well: are we texting our way out of potential relationships?

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