Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The Summer Television Trap: College Student's Beware
The TV trap is simple, one hasn't watched t.v. for so long and are exhausted so the easiest activity to do is simply sit down and watch t.v.. Another issue to be added to this problem for me is that my family recently got high speed internet that is wireless. I therefore can now watch t.v. from my computer in the comfort of my own room; thank god for the self control application, I might need to use that on Hulu and youtube.
It's so easy to fall into this trap. I find myself watching the most stupid movies that are on t.v. such as Bad Teacher and Knocked Up; I hadn't seen either of them but decided I better give them a shot...whoops, there goes 4 hours out of my day. I could've spent those 4 hours cleaning up my room or doing a fun activity outdoors, but instead I watched t.v..
Another tough issue relating to the trap is that when one first gets back home, most of the time, that person does not have anything to do that has a deadline. For example, I want to get in better shape, clean my room, make healthy meals, put in the garden, etc.. but apart from the garden and the hunger of my stomach, none of those activities have a set deadline and those that do are very loose; yes, I should get in the garden by memorial day weekend.
The lack of deadlines, no pressures, no stress, and tired from finals = laziness. Also, t.v. is addicting. I haven't watched more than an hour a week when at school and I don't have one in my room but now...its right in the living room calling my name. 30 min of t.v. turns into an hour and half or more. HELP!
Not to worry! I got a solution!
-Goals for the day!
-A loose time schedule: I will run in the morning, or go to the gym after dinner.
Make it realistic and fun. Space things out. Clean room for an hour after lunch then skype friends.
Don't feel pressured to stick to this schedule, but try to accomplish basics.
Mine would be:
-Wake up before 9 am.
-Eat breakfast
-Check emails
-Clean room.
-Watch a little tv.
-Lunch around 12.
-Bike/run/hang out with friends til dinner.
-If time permits work on garden.
-Free after din.
-Make healthy snacks?
A small list of goals helps, and i can easily use this list time after time and alter it.
Don't get stuck in a lazy trap. Do that for a few days, but don't get too out of shape over it!
Stay Strong,
Picture from
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Making It Personal -Current Health Trends.
I recently thought this blog is not personal enough and therefore I need to make it more personal.
I need to discuss my thoughts, my joys, my experiments and what I think the newest trends are in health.
Current Trends:
-Barefoot Running! This started a few years ago with the vibram five finger shoes, that look ugly and weird to most, however they are great for people's feet when run in properly. This trend really started to take off with Christopher McDougall's book Born to Run which talks about ultrarunning and the shoe industry. I personally love this book and therefore recommend it to everyone. I do caution one's who try barefoot running to do more research on technique and also to take it slow, the back of one's calves will kill after a barefoot run.
-Diet drinks: such as zero calorie drink. Almost all of these are sweetened with artificial sweeteners and are therefore bad for you. Most sports drinks are unless you're in an intense endurance sporting event. Avoid all diet drinks and their artificial sweeteners. Drink water or tea instead.
-Too much sodium: Prepare your own food as much as you can to avoid this. We consume way too much sodium.
-Fitness Apps. I don't know much about these but if they encourage you to exercise they can't be bad, right?
-Zumba: I have never done it but I hear its fun and a great workout. For those who don't know, zumba is a type of dance work out.
-Weight Watchers: Learn to eat healthy for life. Jenifer Hudson is looking good!
-Sleep: People still do not get enough sleep which causes a list of problems. Do I really need to say them? Imagine how you feel when you get a lack of sleep. Get 8 hours, lets stop glamorizing lack of sleep.
Finally, I wish walking was a current health trend. Walk to work, walk to the store, walk for fun, etc. People drive way too much, even just 2 minutes down the road. We were born with two legs, lets use them.
Also, Lack of adventure. Many people are too afraid to get sweaty, dirty, climb trees, swim lakes, and just act like a child on many of the adventures children will take. That is free fitness while one generally has to pay for the gym. I wish people would stop thinking of the gym as the key way to lose weight.
These are a few thoughts and I'm sure there are many others.
Pic from http://activeredkickboxingandfitness.blogspot.com/2011/11/hey-there-today-we-are-bringing-you.html
Thursday, March 29, 2012
End of March Snow: People Go Crazy
Snow on March 29th, it's the talk all over campus. Students are in disbelief and wonder,
what is going on with our weather? Last Thursday 80 degrees outside and today low thirties...what is going on? If you are a Vermonter you are used to this sporadic weather; however, it has never been this unusual.
What causes these changes? Is global warming really having its effect on us now? or is this still normal weather? I do not know what is right or what is wrong, however something doesn't feel right. It makes me really ponder every single item I buy and throw away, do I really need this? or is it just creating waste for the planet? Should I really eat meat? Or am I definitely doing too much harm now?
My other observation is the lack of runners outside. A couple weeks ago I wrote about joggers who only jog when the weather is nice and today I didn't see any joggers. True, I did go in the middle of the day, however there is usually at least one other jogger out and today there was no one. Remember, just cause it's cold outside doesn't mean you can't bundle up and go for it!
Human's are tough and once you run in some nasty storm, you'll feel like a champion and can run in anything!
Stay Strong,
Pic from http://www.cartoonistswithattitude.org/blog/category/climate-change/
Monday, March 26, 2012
Getting Asleep, Staying Asleep, Good and Healthy Sleep...zZz
A common mistake people make is eating right before bed. It is all too common to grab a small snack, a couple drinks, and turn on the television before catching some sleep; however that is one of the worst decisions one can make in terms of staying healthy and keeping the weight off.
- Our body needs time to burn off food; this also includes drinks, which may be high in sugar and calories.
- Our body can be energized from the food we eat, therefore not allowing one to sleep.
-One therefore must be sure to avoid stimulants, such as caffeine.
- Stimulating activities such as exercise or physical labor will also cause you trouble falling asleep.
- Electronic gadgets such as T.V.'s and computers are also considered to be stimulating to the brain and I therefore recommend that one limits that before bed, such as do not watch or use the hour before going to sleep.
I therefore recommend, do not eat or exercise 3 hours before you go to bed. Also, do not drink within 90 minutes of going bed, this should help prevent needing to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
In some cases one might be starving or dying of thirst, therefore consume a snack or drink.
-A good option is a glass of milk, because that will help one fall asleep and keep one from getting hungry.
-Low fat popcorn that is low in butter and sodium.
-Vegetables and hummus.
-Tea, such as chamomile. Make sure your tea is caffeine free.
I also advise properly winding down, so the matter how hard it can be in college ditch the laptop. Do a reading, clean your room, and stay away from electronics. This includes your cell phone.
I believe electronics are why a lot of people have trouble falling asleep.
It may sound embarrassing but I often will listen to books on tape to help me wind down and go to sleep. I really love the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter series. Both are very well done.
Human's are also designed to go to bed when it gets dark and wake up when it gets light outside; it is our natural rhythm. Many people will argue this point and everyone's body is different, however this is my own belief and one can look up studies on this, but going to bed at 9pm and waking up 8 hours later feels different than going to bed at 3am every night and waking up 8 hours later. Despite the same hours of sleep one will still feel different and more refreshed going to bed at the earlier time. Many students will argue they are nocturnal. I don't think I buy it, but hey if it works for them go for it. Therefore, consider the time you go to bed as well.
Also, there is now a sleep app: Sleep On It, Sleep Tracker and Alarm Clock. http://www.medhelp.org/land/sleep-log-app I know nothing about it, however it has received great reviews and will be your alarm clock to get you up on time yet still be refreshed by following your sleep cycle. If you have this technology, give it a shot. If it doesn't work give up on it and do what you did before.
Sweet dreams,
and Stay Strong,
Pic from http://www.medhelp.org/land/sleep-log-app
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Exercise the Distractions Away
Facebook! Email! Cell Phones! Youtube! Stumble Upon...
These are all distractions many of us face every day and have trouble controlling. It is shocking to see how many students in the library are on Facebook when they mean to be studying. I am not hating on Facebook because when used properly it is a great networking tool, however it is also many people's largest distraction. There are distractions and then there are positive distractions, such as eating, showering, cleaning, exercise etc.
During my first year of college I was easily distracted. I had a a lot going on in my mind and I loved my coursework but I still was distracted. I would say my biggest distraction at the time was Facebook and then there would go 45 minutes of my studying. 45 minutes is a lot of time and I didn't do anything important on Facebook, I would just look at my friend's statuses and their pictures (I wasn't truly networking or using it for work).
I felt like it reached a point where my best options was just to go to the gym. I would tell myself, well if I go to the gym and exercise for 30 min then at least I'll have my jitters out, energy raised, and I will be able to sit down without going on Facebook. I was so surprised how well that worked.
Exercise has helped me, however there are also other options. There are certain websites or apps that will only allow one to be on Facebook for a limited time.
Either way, exercise is great and media distractions are not good; they just provide more distractions. Even small amounts of exercise can make a difference, like a 20 min walk in the pic above made a big difference in brain activity.
Stay Strong,
Pic from
Brain on left is seen taking a test with no prior exercise.
Brain on the right is seen taking the same test after a 20-minute walk.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
A Secret Study Spot Without Your Phone
As I prepare for my massive anatomy exam I have made two key discoveries:
1. I need to have special study locations where I can crank work out.
2. If I leave behind my phone or computer I can also CRANK WORK OUT!
One's study location should be free of all distractions. One should not be easily found there and should also not have a view of other people, cars, animals, distractions, etc. It should just be a student with his or her work.
One should also not bring a phone or computer. One claims a computer is needed, however, unless you're typing a paper or need it for research you really don't need it. Also, if you need it but don't need internet that is cool too.
Also the phone, ahh we love it and we hate it. Leave it behind if you're seriously trying to study. People 20 years ago did fine without cell phones and there is no reason we can't as well; they were actually probably much more productive.
Good luck and
Stay Strong,
Picture from: http://www.hooverwebdesign.com/free-printables/signs/free-printable-no-cell-phone-use-in-office-sign.html
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Digg.com -Your Daily Dose of News, Except Better
I never heard of digg (http://digg.com/) until a few weeks ago and I must say I'm in love with it! Digg gives viewers a daily dose of scholarly news mixed with goofy news such as 15 funniest text messages from parents. It's serious yet also refreshing, it would be like a newspaper done in color if it was in print form.
Digg also has a very simple layout and concept. There are different newsrooms per topic and in that is articles on that topic which one can choose to give a thumbs up to or thumbs down to. If you "digg" an article you simply give it a thumbs up.
It gets better, digg also lets you create your own profile which other people can view. You also can submit articles and pieces of work you find interesting, you just have to click on the submit link button and put in your article. I therefore put every article I write for my blog on it for others to also view there! With your profile you can comment on other articles, digg articles, follow other users, and be followed. Once one does a lot of anything on digg they can win awards for submitting articles, commenting, digging articles, etc. Digg also then also has a "my news" page which creates news it believes you would like based on previous articles you digg, viewed, submitted, or commented on! It's useful.
I have to say I appreciate the generosity of users on digg. I have gained seven followers without doing anything special and I have no idea who these people are.
Digg is a lot of fun, check it out!
Also, my user name is trevorvt
Feel free to follower me!
Submit articles, have fun viewing others,
Stay Strong,
pic from http://vimeo.com/user481597
The World's Ending But I'm Not
People who don't sleep enough consumer more calories than those who don't, according to new study all red-meat is bad, people who take vitamins don't live as long as those that do (I don't buy that one), school's can choose meat with pink slime or not, sperm quality related to dietary fat, eye disease linked to memory decline, etc. WHAT NEWS IS IMPORTANT?
One starts to worry, am I healthy? Am I doing all I should? The truth is our society has a lot of issues and you should focus on yourself. You know what you need to work on, so don't stress these little things. (which in many cases are large things.) Most of the time people know how to be healthy and once you do it, many of these articles no longer apply to you. For example, if you're a male, your sperm quality is probably fine if you're eating a healthy diet. You're less likely to get eye disease if you're healthy. In most cases, if you encounter a problem the Dr. will help inform you with this excess information that you need to know.
Finally, Everything in moderation. Most of us have ate red meat. Should we suddenly stop eating it? That's your choice, but I know some old people that eat it and are just fine. As always that quality of your meat matters, however a little bit of red meat probably wont hurt you.
Our society likes to bring up issues and it can get us depressed. Don't let it. If anything avoid it. Don't read those health articles. See an actual Dr. or Dietitian, do what you need to be healthy. Your health is most important, because if it isn't, you wont be productive or live well (maybe even die young.).
This article is a little jumbled, but I hoped you enjoyed my post.
Stay Strong,
Picture from: http://www.healthyeatingstartshere.com/motivation/social-pressures
Also, relating to the picture:
Health articles are always changing! One study says one thing and the next one says it's bad. Therefore do what you know is good and don't always trust what you believe.
At one time they believed smoking was o.k. Now we know the health effects, but it takes a long time to have decisive studies and results.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The Sunny Athlete Runs Into Rain
It's Spring in Vermont and the temperature has suddenly jumped from 20 to 60-70 degrees F and everyone seems to be on a running kick. It's funny but the weather determines whose a real athlete and whose out cause it's nice and they want to get a little more in-shape. Once the weather is cold or rains I will run and see almost no one, once it's 70 and sunny I am waving at runners left and right. It's not bad to be a good weather athlete, however that athlete needs a substitute activity to stay in shape on the gloomy days.
I highly recommend athletes or people trying to get in-shape to make a training schedule and stick to it the matter what. I have recently done this and it forces me to do what I have planned. Check it off after each day, saying YOU completed that activity. My goal today was to swim about a mile and do a 5k. I noticed due to my schedule the only time I was going to be able to go during open pool hours was at 7am. I set my alarm clock last night and got up at 6:40. NO EXCUSES, it doesn't matter as long as I get it done. I may be tired, I may have work to do, but I am going to stick to my plan. MY HEALTH IS MOST IMPORTANT. I was afraid it was going to rain for my run but stayed dry, which was nice especially cause I fell and scraped myself up. Most people have time to squeeze a workout in their day and instead they go on Facebook or waste time elsewhere, making a schedule makes one's workout a higher priority than certain other activities. It also forces one to run or still train in rain, wind, snow, or brutal heat. (just prepare yourself properly beforehand)
If one doesn't like working out when it's not nice outside it's understandable but look at other options. Does one like going to the pool? using the stationary bike while reading? lifting weights? playing on indoor tennis courts? there are plenty of options. If one doesn't want to leave his or her room, consider purchasing workout dvds. Workout DVD's are one tv for a reason, they're convenient, can do them in your living room with little equipment, and are often well tested with scientific evidence. These DVD's can often be extremely hard, I advise do what you can. If you can only do 8 push-ups and not 20, that's still great! Also, don't be afraid to break and pause the workout to catch your breath.
Just some thoughts!
Enjoy the weather!
Stay Strong,
Picture from http://fitbottomedgirls.com/2010/09/we-love-bob-harpers-new-workout-dvds/
It also has reviews of all Bob Harper workout dvds. For those who don't know Bob Harper is a trainer on the TV show The Biggest Loser.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Fresh OJ! One Year Old!
I saw an article on the news about Orange Juice a few weeks ago and it made me think about consuming orange juice.
Everyone believes that OJ is fresh and we get it soon after the oranges come off the tree, this is far from the truth. Orange juice is extremely processed and far beyond what we may imagine.
Here are the steps in the making of OJ (to the best of my knowledge):
1. Oranges are picked.
2. Oranges go to the factory.
3. Orange juice is then squeezed into giant vats.
4. Oxygen is removed from these vats to keep the juice from going rancid.
5. Once oxygen is removed, the process extracts all of the natural flavors. This means it would taste like orange sugar water, nothing like orange juice.
6. Orange juice (orange sugar water) sits in vats for up to a year.
7. Orange juice producer contacts fragrance company make flavor packets to add to the orange sugar water (orange juice).
8. Those packets are made from the extracted parts of the orange during processing. So...it's natural flavoring, but not the way intended.
9. Packaged and shipped to stores. Florida's Finest, Alway's Fresh!!!
Orange juice isn't the fresh or healthy product we consider it to be. I highly advice drinking tea or water or making your own juice next time you eat breakfast.
For more info: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/29/100-percent-orange-juice-artificial_n_913395.html
I don't know much about this but that's the little bit I learned.
Next few posts will be arsenic in apple juice and the benefits of juicing!
Gerson Miracle here I come!
Stay Strong,
Friday, March 9, 2012
I’ll Order a Pound of Turkey Featuring Sodium, Preservatives, Bone, and a Trip to the Doctor
I’ll Order a Pound of Turkey Featuring Sodium, Preservatives, Bone, and a Trip to the Doctor
Some Americans try to be healthy, some don’t care, however our food is rarely what it appears to be. A great example of this is sodium in processed foods. We’ll hide the saltshaker from the table but eat a canned soup which is already full of sodium. Sodium hides in most of our processed foods, but one of the worst and most unknown culprits is deli meat.
Deli meat is what I consider and nutritional disaster food. Many healthy gym goers will be happy eating their turkey sandwich because it has lean protein, some cheese for bones, and veggies and wheat bread. Very rarely does one think of how much crap is processed into the meat.
Each slice of deli meat contains about 480 mg or 20% (of daily recommended sodium intake) or more of sodium per slice. Most people don’t have one slice of meat on their sandwich, they have 2-4 depending on the size of the sandwich. Then once one includes other condiments and the bread that sandwich is well over 1200 mg of sodium you’re going to be consuming, that is more than half of the sodium you should consume in a day.
Wait, I’m not done. Once one buys or makes his or her sandwich he or she is probably going to eat some chips or pretzels with that sandwich, maybe a dessert as well? After that, the person is probably consuming about 75% of their recommended sodium intake. If that person has more than 2 pieces of deli meat then he or she is probably over the 2400mg max recommend by the FDA. Whoops, there are still two more meals and snacks in the day and lunch took up about 100% of the sodium one is suppose to consume.
Other facts about deli meat:
-Contain preservatives: how else does the meat stay sitting on the shelf and be in transport for so long? Sodium nitrates help keep the meat from going bad in storage and producing funky odors. It may also be pumped full of up to 10% water as well as sodium, gelatin, even MSG.
-Possibility of bone and cartilage being include into your deli meat. Deli meat is processed and therefore like hotdogs can have other substances slipped into it.
-One must also consider the quality of the animal it was butchered from. Most factory farmed animals are fed food they can’t quite process and digest as well as live in unsanitary spaces. These animals therefore are usually given antibiotics to combat these illnesses. This antibiotics make it into the meat you’re eating.
-Factory farmed animals are also raised to be slaughtered as fast as possible and therefore are often given hormones to become larger faster. These hormones could make it in your meat.
-The quality of factory farmed meat is also not the same as free range organic meat. The levels of omega 3 fats and other contents are not as healthy as naturally raised animals.
I urge you to double check what you’re eating. Read the labels, ask the worker at the deli for the nutrition facts, and don’t be afraid of asking; everyone is on a diet today anyway, they’ll understand.
If in doubt do more research on your own. The Internet is everyone’s best friend for research today.
I also urge everyone to see a dietitian at some point and many colleges have this as a free service. I understand this is expensive if it isn’t offered and therefore you can do a little of your own research online or at the library. Also be careful of any research or information you receive from a dietitian or research, it can often be inaccurate. I therefore urge you to discuss it with a parent or friends, even your doctor at your next check up. Many dietitians will tell you if you eat a balanced diet you don’t need a multivitamin, I disagree with this especially if you’re an athlete, but that’s another post.
Other options: consider eating tuna, hummus, peanut butter. One can also ask if there are organic meats or ones that are low sodium.
Best of luck,
Check out this article as well:
5 things your lunch meat doesn’t want you to know
(I got some of my research from that)
Stay Strong,
I found this pic funny, because is Subway really as healthy as we think it is?
Pic from http://www.ourordinarylife.com/2010/02/get-fit-stay-healthy/
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Wipeout! The All-Around Athlete
Hi Everyone,
Sorry for my inconsistency's with posts but I am on spring break this week and I have not been on a productive streak, a little too much t.v. and girl scout cookies.
My post today is going to be on the show Wipeout on ABC and how I inspire to be on it.
Wipeout has hundreds of variables but it requires two skills: Coordination and stamina. I guess we could really throw in a third variable: luck, because it seems a lot of this show also relies on luck and proper timing. The show is a test of athleticism and it is impressive to see some of the contestants on this show.
For those who are unaware Wipeout is a huge obstacle course and you have to get through certain rounds by completing them fast. Eventually, once you get through those rounds you will make it to the final round which is your shot at 50,000 dollars, if you finish with the fastest time. The whole point of the show is to watch the contestant fall off the obstacle course and smash into things.
I have never seen a contestant go through a round without falling, it's nearly impossible. Most people that go on the show mostly go on for laughs and hope to win the grand prize. These contestants are often not athletes or train before going on the show. If they did they could do so much better.
Wipeout is exhausting because it is round after round and fall after fall. One swims, runs, gets hit, falls, and it looks painful. It looks as though someone is getting the wind knocked out of them on most of the falls. I would love to attempt it!
My favorite is the hotties vs nerds or couch potatoes vs cheerleaders. Their specials are really entertaining. The clip I have is an example of one of those, both categories are hopeless.
Wouldn't this show be much more interesting with true competitors?
Stay Strong,
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Buying a Toothbrush: Did you know some destroy your gums?
You've all been in the dental isle and debated what toothbrush to buy. This one's more expensive than this one, this one has little rubber things to help clean my gums, this one looks too plain...etc. However, one usually has no clue what actual toothbrush to buy and picks the one that guarantees to remove all plaque, prevent gingivitis, etc. Buying a toothbrush is more complex than that and requires proper selection for your best dental health.
I learned about buying a toothbrush today while at the dentist. I was told I have some slight gum decay which is caused by using the wrong toothbrush, brushing too hard, and potentially having braces. I thought ok, fair enough. Most of us think the harder and faster we brush the more effectively cleaned our teeth will be, right? Well, that one's false, you're supposed to brush slow because brushing too fast will damage the gums.
Now, on to toothbrushes. When you buy a toothbrush you want to make sure you have soft or extra soft bristles. Those are going to be most effective at cleaning your teeth, anything harder is going to damage your gums. You also have to look at the design of the bristles, you want ones that have higher bristles in the middle and lower bristles on the outside. The design of the bristles is crucial because all these fancy new designs are actually not good for your gums, as well as the fact that most toothbrushes sold are not soft bristled. This is all because the toothbrush companies want to make money. Most of the time you're best going with the cheaper less fancy toothbrush.
You can also buy an electric toothbrush, which is suppose to be fine for your gums.
This is my advice on buying toothbrushes. Talk to you dentist next time you get your teeth cleaned, see what they have to say on the topic.
Here's an article I also read on it http://www.wisegeek.com/what-should-i-consider-when-buying-a-toothbrush.htm
And I couldn't find a good pic for you today.
As always,
Stay Strong,
Sunday, March 4, 2012
How to do quick and correct citations:College Edition
I remember life in Middle School and High School when doing works cited and bibliography's could take hours, however due to the internet at our everyday convenience they are now easy. With access to the internet making a works cited is as easy entering an ISBN number of a book, website url, or plugging in the data asked of you. One can do this on websites like Son of Citation Machine : http://citationmachine.net/index2.php?start=# .
This website is simple to use. One chooses the type of citation they need and then just plug in what is asked. After that is done, the citation appears and one just copies and pastes it into the works cited. Remember most works cited are alphabetical and also have a double indent after the first line. Citation Machine also tells you how you should reference the article in text, if it's (Adams, 31) or however.
If you've never heard of this I highly recommend giving it a shot. It has saved me a lot of time. I used to have to go to the library to find a book on citations and then follow the guidelines in the book. I believe my friend Erica notified me of this website while doing a lab for science during my first year of college and from then on I've always used it.
It can't hurt to try. If you don't like it you can head to reference section of the lib and pull out a book on citations.
Stay Strong!
pic from http://citationmachine.net/index2.php?start=
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Break Time! A 5-min Break to Get Work Done
Far too often students will go to the library to tackle a paper and isolate themselves in a corner and swear to never leave that spot for the next 4 hours. Have you heard of this before? Chances are you've done it, or at least locked yourself in for the night in the promise you'll study for hours until you pass out over your work? and then...you log on to the dreaded Facebook and mindlessly stalk people you met only once and there goes 40 minutes of your study time. I believe this can be prevented and swearing to study for hours straight is not productive. One needs breaks. One needs to get up and stretch his or her legs; we are not designed to sit for hours straight.
I advise that for every hour you study you get up and do something active for 5 to 10 minutes. This will keep your blood flowing, which will help bring oxygen to the brain, and will provide you with a productive distraction that is not Facebook or social media. You may claim that if you're there for 3 hours that is about half an hour of your study time, but give it a shot because it is worth it. What is great about these short breaks is that it keeps you from getting distracted while working and also gets any little burst of energy out so that you can sit down for the whole time and focus.
I advise if you're in your room do some push ups, sit ups, squats, jumping jacks, even just a few stretches.
In the library it is trickier because you don't want to look like a fool doing push-ups in the middle of the library so: Go to the bathroom, visit a friend for 5-10 min (assuming you have to walk to them or go up and down a flight of stairs), go to the bathroom, fill up your water bottle, or even just walk up and down the stairs.
The main point I really want to note is inactive breaks are not good breaks because they do not set you in the mood to study more/get work done.
That's my short post for the day!
Stay Strong,
Picture from http://themetapicture.com/check-me-check-me/
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The Biggest Loser Inspiration
I think the coolest job in the world would be to be a trainer on The Biggest Loser! I watch The Biggest Loser religiously and usually always watch it every Wednesday on Hulu the day after it comes out! I have to admit this current season is the best one I have seen in a while. The reason I love to watch this show is because the contestants work so hard, they're all fighters.
All the contestants are fighters, however they did not start out that way. They all come on to the show severely overweight and torn down by emotional problems. Most of them have all gotten so busy that they forget to take care of themselves and make excuses. After watching this show it is an inspiration to me and has greatly impacted several of the ways I live.
The Inspiration I've Gained:
-If the contestants can do their work-outs at their current weight there is no reason I cannot do mine. I can also fight as hard as they do!
-You're worth it, you got to make time for yourself and you deserve to be happy and fit.
-Work-out in the morning! Make it your first activity in the morning and then you're workout clear for the whole day. You may say you're going to workout after class or work, however once your done with class or work you might feel to tired and not. If you workout in the morning it help ensures that you'll never miss that workout.
-Junk food isn't food, it is poison. I learned this from Losing it with Jillian when she threw out a whole party's food because she was trying to help someone lose weight. She said it wasn't food and it was poison because it would create a list of problems for one's body.
-Push yourself, you wont pass out. Jillian would always say I want you to work until you pass out. No one ever passed out which means you can really push yourself.
-If you don't work faster I'm going to break your leg!!! -Bob Harper
Those are my most common inspirations! I'm sure I have a few more and I highly recommend the show!
Stay Strong,
The picture is from http://brooklynfitchick.typepad.com/brooklyn-fit-chick/2011/09/what-did-we-learn-this-month-fitnessmagazine-september-issue.html
and it is of Hannah and Olivia of Season 11 of The Biggest Loser! These two sisters placed first and second that season and they almost never had a bad week. They did not make excuses, they just got it! Even near the end they were still pulling great numbers! There is a reason they won that show and are still in-shape today. If you ever see an article with them, I would take their advice.
"You Trash It, I Eat It" -Caney's Blog
I bumped into one of my friends a few days a ago and she said she had a blog so I checked it out.
Her name is Caney and her blog is You Trash It, I Eat It. In her blog she records/shows off all of her finds from the trash room in the Residential Hall that she lives in. She was so shocked about what people were throwing away that she had to blog about it. After reading her blog I have to agree, people throw away a lot of perfectly good food. In this post I am going to talk about her finds and my thoughts on thrown away food.
Luckily I have never been one to search the trash for food, however Caney does not search because she is hungry or financially insecure but because she is not wasteful and why throw away food that is perfectly good. I wonder, is that food perfectly good? She describes what makes an item safe and packaged foods are a gold-rush for trash hunters, many times the products are unopened. Another thing to note about dorm trash rooms is they are almost emptied every day, so nothing will have been sitting in there for too long.
Packaged Foods: They are often found unopened, so...why did one buy it in the first place just to throw it out? Or people will often eat part of a box of food, whether this is cereal, cookies, or crackers, and throw out the rest of it. Rarely these items are found to be stale, outdated, or inedible, people just wanted to get rid of them.
I do have one major point to consider in taking food from the trash: The nutritional content of this food. After reading most of her blog, most of the food thrown away is junk food that is mostly empty calories. This food is what Jillian Michael's, celebrity trainer, would classify as poison. I don't go that harsh, I say everything in moderation. One must consider they cannot live a complete diet off of this food and function at their highest ability, however it can be a good way to find one's guilty pleasure. (Luckily Caney also has a meal plan.) It can also be a good little snack to bring to a study party or some other gathering, just be sure to tell them that you did not take it from the trash. (make sure you clean off the outside of the box or food as necessary)
HOWEVER, there are some brilliant finds thrown into the trash that are packaged. For example: some cereals are healthy, and the main find: Granola Bars. Granola bars are mostly a solid form of energy, generally whole grains, and are in general a great snack. I love to eat one before I am going to do something active such as going for a run or going to the gym. I was most shocked to see she found an unopened Cliff Bar in the trash, those are healthy and expensive. They are almost a dollar and piece and this one was not outdated or opened. Sometimes I just don't understand people.
Reasoning for trashing edible food? I don't know. One would think there is a reason why people throw out food, however judging by Caney's finds there is very little reason. Maybe weird diets or other habits? however, that does not give one the right to trash that food; the least they can do is give it to someone else. Maybe residential halls could have an unwanted food box where one leaves the food he or she does not want.
I believe my thoughts on this matter are rather jumbled and that post was all over the place, however these are my thoughts for now. Be careful what you eat and always proceed with caution. Also, unless it's healthy don't rely on this as your main source of food unless you have to.
Have great day,
Stay Strong!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Running the Distance:Making a Champion of Yourself
I consider running to be a struggle and for many people it does not come naturally; Some people may run half a mile and be dead, others may be able to run 8 without any training. I believe most people can become better runners and will if they set their mind to it. I have a couple tips for running and take what you will, but my tips will help you fight and do that extra mile or two you've been meaning to do!
1. My first tip is expect pain and discomfort: running takes a lot of will power and this is why athletes often say mind over matter; if it was easy everyone would do it and be world class athletes.If you refer back to my Chrissie Wellington post under inspiration, she says "I prepare to suffer more than I have ever suffered." (As always, be careful how much pain you let yourself endure and if it's extremely painful and unbearable walk or take a break. If the pain continues once your done running and doesn't go away you may want to consider seeing a doctor.
2. Have a good series of inspirational quotes to tell yourself and good music! Music is a great distraction from the sweat and pain however you need more than that. I believe one also needs a series of quotes to tell him or herself. I like to say, "one step in front of the other," recite my a,b,c's with each letter being the first word that comes to my mind (so a=apple, b=bat, c=cat, etc...), "I'm worth this, you're doing great trev," the contestants on the biggest loser (if they can do what they're doing at 350 pounds I can do it at 175-180), and of-coarse Chrissie Wellington.
3. Change your running route. Variation in routine and location can inspire you to run faster and further because the environment is different and exciting.
4. Find a running partner. Inspire each other on your runs.
5. Ignore every one that is watching you! They do not matter! As long as you are moving you're probably doing more than they are. This is especially crucial if you might be overweight, not very fit, or just not a natural runner, because you do not want to let others discourage you. One must consider every step forward is one in the right direction toward getting your health on track or in check. Ignore all the people that may see you, what are they doing for their health? They aren't out there running with you! (they're probably watching tv) Also, in terms of worrying about the super athletes you see, you'd be surprised to know they are probably encouraging you on! I have talked to many an athlete at the gym who will be like, damn, I wished I worked as hard as that guy/girl is, and that guy/girl is working out hard yet also slightly overweight.
6. Make sure you know you're worth it! Tell yourself you deserve to be healthy and look good. Everyone should have that right and you should as well!
7. Don't be afraid to walk! Walking is great for your health! You may not be able to run 20 minutes straight without feeling like you're going to die and therefore you can alternate between walking and running! Run one song, walk a song, and eventually you'll be able to run the full 20 minutes.
8. Pick a location and run to it! Once you get there you have to get back somehow! haha, that means you either got to run or walk back, so there's some extra-exercise in your day! You enjoy that runner's high!!!
Either way, the key is don't be afraid to try. No one is going to make fun of you for running or walking (partly because they know they should be running/walking/going to the gym as well)! if on the slim chance someone does, ignore them, they aren't worth associating with and you're still worth the work you're putting in!
If you have any other tips or comments please post them!
Have a great day!
Stay Strong,
Picture from http://www.vermontcitymarathon.org/page.php?pid=1&pname=home
Monday, February 27, 2012
An Apple on the Go: Stayin' Healthy and Full
We've all heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, however sometimes that apple can take a long time to eat and one can find trouble fitting it into his or her schedule. I therefore have discovered that eating an apple while traveling from one location to another is the best way to fit in that piece of fruit.
Most of us in college have to walk or bus at least 10 minutes to class and when our lives are extremely busy we might as well do more than just walk when we can also use that time productively. Therefore, grabbing an apple before you leave your apartment or dormatory is a healthy and important way to use that time.
Far too often college students are not properly nourished. I know several students whose diet consists of burgers, fries, pizza, wings, etc. They also consider microwave popcorn and ketchup vegetables. Fruit is counted in the form of fruit punch or other juice then combined to make an alcoholic beverage. Our nutrition needs help.
I do not believe it is because we don't know what to eat, I believe it is because we are too busy to eat what is best for us. As always there are ways to slip good nutrition in our diet, whether that is eating and apple while traveling to class or ordering vegetables on one's pizza.
Lastly, with proper nutrition one will feel better, have more energy, feel less stressed, look better, and overall function better. It is a choice one decides to make and I always advise one step at a time.
and Stay Strong!
Allenholm farm is an apple orchard/farm in South Hero VT! They have an apple called the Vermont Gold which is probably the best apple I have ever ate. Their website is
http://www.allenholm.com/ (and that is also where I got the picture from). It is a lot of fun!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Having a BACK-UP Plan:Surviving Computer Crashes
Computers are a way of life in college and it's hard to live without one. Most of us will lug our computer around for part of the day whether that be to class or the library and at sometime most of us will encounter a computer problem as well. This can be trouble with wireless, finding files, programs crashing, beer spilled on laptop, etc. Even if you have a mac, problems can still occur. I have seen many a mac that has been wrecked by spilled beer, spilled milk, stepped on by accident, and just randomly tossed around. Even if money isn't an issue to you, losing all the files you own can be an academic nightmare.
I therefore advise spending the extra money and buying an external hard-drive. I bought one during my first year of college when I was told my motherboard would need to be replaced. They said I could back up my computer, they'd take it for a few days, put in a new motherboard, then reboot it and bring it back to normal with all my data from my external hard-drive. My motherboard did not have to be replaced but I consider my external hard-drive crucial to college survival. At the time I spent $75 on a 320gig hard-drive from the campus computer store, which was probably overpriced and can now be bought for around $50.
My computer has not crashed but I have seen multiple students panic over losing music, files, homework, programs, etc. Think of buying one as part of your computer protection warranty plan when you buy a new computer. Once you have one you will probably also have it for life (or a long time).
I have a Mac and there is a free program called Time Machine (and pre-installed) which is really easy to use. I plug in my hard-drive and it instantly starts storing the data. I can retrieve data that I also put into the trash to delete a week ago. I can scan back to every time I saved work to my computer and retrieve it (even if I deleted it on my computer today, it is still on my hard-drive!). If my computer crashes I can get it fixed or buy a new one and then when it loads up for the first time just hit restore with Time Machine. It is a brilliant program and will restore all my programs I already bought, such as Microsoft Office and Apple Programs, as well as all my other files; my computer will be the exact same before it crashed.
It's a recommendation to buy a hard-drive and I understand many of us are short on cash, however the $75 bucks I spent on my hard-drive I could earn faster working than trying to go and reset my computer. It would be such a nightmare for me to try to find new music, retype files, and have to buy a new version of Microsoft Office (and learn how to use it). It's worth the extra cash so cut your alcohol consumption, avoid other unhealthy habits, don't order wings, and save that cash until you can buy it. AND if your computer crashes or finally craps out, you'll be darn happy you have that hard-drive!
Back up your s**t!
Stay Strong!
(picture from http://cartoonsbysheila.wordpress.com/tag/computer-crash/)
A Mess Creates More Mess:Having a Productive Workspace
I firmly believe that a clean desk boosts productivity. Even a desk that seems organized with a lot of objects and papers on it still isn't as productive as a desk that is completely empty. When there are other objects on one's desk they are distractions from the task at hand. It also can be hard to decide where to get started than if your desk was blank.
An empty desk creates a work environment where all you have to do is tackle the challenge that you meant to take. It means you can sit down, start your homework or whatever, and just tackle it out with zero distractions. There is a good reason why many students go to the library to tackle their homework, it's because they sit down at a clean desk, pull out what they need to do and get working; there are very few distractions at the library.
Personally, my desk is organized but not empty. Despite it is organized I still can't spread out my papers on hand as I'd like too and find myself thinking about the other objects on my desk. I understand that the best step I could take would be to just put objects in my desk drawers, however I have not gotten around to it. My desk can also be a deposit of random objects collected in a day, which are also a disturbance from my work. I need a random object box and a box of desk supplies instead of just leaving them on my desk.
I do recommend a plant or fish if you have a large desk, just to keep you happy and from going insane; however, use caution and thought with other objects.
If you have too much trouble cleaning your desk the best solution is to not work there, go elsewhere if you can. Go to the library, a lounge, a cafe, the dining hall, etc. However, do not work in your bed. One's bed is meant to sleep in, doing other work in your bed that is not sleep or sex can create sleep problems (from what I have read).
Good luck,
Be Productive!
and Stay Strong!
(Picture from http://blog.uvolve.com/?tag=success)
Great tips as well. You should check out that link.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Attacking Acne:The Simple Tips You NEED to Know!
Acne affects most teenagers/college age students and for some it worse for others whether that be psychologically or physically. I have been a constant sufferer of acne since 10th grade of high school. I then was on doxycycline (a common antibiotic prescribed for acne and skin infections) and that cleared up my skin for a few years until my 2nd year of college when it started upsetting my stomach and giving me stomach cramps. I then had to learn how to control acne without drugs and harmful chemicals and have fought an endless battle of creams, washes, supplements, diets, etc.
Throughout this struggle to clear up my skin, which currently looks ok (still get acne, however it looks average and nothing unusual, a little bit here and there), I have learned a lot on how to control acne naturally. All of the things I do are natural and healthy, so feel free to give all or whatever you choose a try (within reason). Also, Remember that everyone's bodies are different and what works for me may not work for you.
My Acne Attack Plan:
-Diet: Eating a healthy diet will help provide a functioning body. It only makes sense that your skin is partly a reflection of your diet because it can also be reflection of your health.
-Avoid high sugar foods and one's on the high glycemic index. This means you really should only consume sugar that comes from natural forms such as fruit. Avoid the sweets, white breads, and foods with sugars added.
-Fried Foods:these create an imbalance in your omega fat levels and can show in your skin and can cause you to break out.
-Meat: Most meat contains antibiotics and the animal was fed with a corn product. Therefore this meat may have hormones and bad fats instead of the proper omega fats.
-Dairy: Dairy is naturally full of hormone's which can cause an imbalance in one's own hormones and cause acne. It also can be full of antibiotics in order to prevent and treat diseases the cows might get therefore be sure to check on the bottle if it is antibiotic free (most are now). I am not saying avoid dairy like the plague, however eat it in moderation and see if it makes a difference for you.
-Avoid alcohol and caffeine, or drink in moderation. I personally don't drink much of either so I am not familiar with the effects. I have heard they can both make acne worse and therefore drink in moderation/avoid.
-Omega 3's: I advise eating omega 3 rich foods and consuming a supplement. I advise consulting a doctor before consuming large amounts of this supplement. If you do not have a previous health condition you are probably safe to take what is recommended on the bottle. *Also, be sure to buy one's that filtered out mercury, heavy metals, and whatever else might be in the water/fish. You should also consider buying one's that say burpless or else you might burp up fish oil odor, which tastes gross. I recommend Nature Made Burp-less 1000mg, 300mg, Omega-3. It's definitely helped me. I usually take two a day.
-Multivitamin: I also advise a general multivitamin. Try to buy a trusted well tested brand. I hear vitamins are not always consistent or well tested for accuracy so buy a well-known and trusted brand. I recommend buy one designed for your gender.
-Vitamin D: I advise consuming about 1000IU or less of supplemented Vitamin D. It is rarely found in food and if you live in New England or Northern North America there can be times in the year where you can't get enough Vitamin D from the sun. Do not supplement more than 2000IU without talking to a Doctor. I also think sun exposure can help acne, however be reasonable because there are negative effects from too much sun exposure such as wrinkling and skin cancer, etc.
-Green Tea: Grean Tea has antibacterial factors and can be just as effected as washing with benzyol peroxide washes with none to little side effects. It is also full of anti-oxidants and helps keep your body hydrated and skin clear. The only side effect I have encountered is discoloration of teethe (good thing there is whitening tooth paste and white strips). I advise drink around 4-6 cups of green tea spread throughout the day for best results.
Those are the basics that most people can try to do. Other aspects of our life are harder to control such as stress, work, sleep, however these are simple steps one can take at every meal.
Also consider exercise to help acne, wash twice a day, makeup, and birth control.
If you have acne try one of my suggestions. I always advise drinking a lot of water as well.
Stay Strong,
Pic from http://glmfs.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1
That is my favorite, also the kind with pomegranate is tasty as well!
Friday, February 24, 2012
LMFAO...Kesha? Everyday I'm Stumblin'?
It never ends does it?! First we had Party Rock Anthem, which to
be honest I didn't care for at first, but now I love it. Then I'm Sexy and I Know It,
which is extremely catchy and ridiculous. Then this? I'm sure we're about to hear this a lot.
What's next? You're Sexy and You Know It? Or I'm Sexy Let Me Show It?
What about the Kesha Version? Everyday I'm Stumblin'?
The Call Vs. Text Dilemma
It's easier to text than to call, however sometimes texting is not appropriate or the best way of communication.
Here are my rules of texting (I am sure I'll forget a few):
-Do not say anything via text you would not say to someone face to face.
-Do not text people who are significantly older than you or are your boss, unless they tell you that you can or they have texted you.
-Be careful using smileys and other faces, these can get annoying fast.
-Now that smart phones exist and most people have keyboards on their phones do not significantly shorten words. Spell them out. Some are still ok such as bc for because, or w/-with, or lmfao, omg, and lol. Most however should be spelled out now.
Relationship texting rules:
-A text in the middle of the day can be nice just to check in and say but don't try to plan a date or make plans via text.
-However, you can check up on previous plans you made via text. "Are we still on for tonight at 8 at x location?"
-You can text someone after a date and should, but these are simple things like "had a great night, can't wait to see you again." Or "just saw someone that looked like that man sitting at the table across from us who laughed ridiculously loud."
-If you're making a joke during texts add a smiley or tell them in a couple minutes after the text. Jokes can be hard to tell during texting and can often be taken the wrong way.
-People appreciate calls more than texts. It is more effort and more personal; people appreciate that.
-It is fair to not return texts, but you should always return a phone call. (within reason)
-Do not endlessly text someone or text someone everything. It shows that you are desperate and don't have other things in your life. Little updates here and there are fine, however full conversations via text or using your texting as a twitter isn't good.
-Simple: No break-ups via text. You're nicer and classier than that. Tell that to someone in person.
-Never text on a date, or in front of someone significant. Also, do not interrupt conversations with, "I got to check this text." You're attention is on the person you are talking to or dating. If you really got to text someone or answer a text say you got to go to the bathroom and text in there.
-If you're too scared to text someone that you've met through friends because you think he or she might have a crush on you or you have a crush on them. Text them something like, "hey when are you free?" and then bring them cookies or something special. That of-coarse is if you are too scared to call them.
-If you have seen someone a couple times and you think there was some spark, however he or she isn't texting you back this may be for multiple reasons. That person may no longer be interested, that person may be busy, or that person may be having phone problems. If you think that person isn't interested try to give them a call. In all honesty it's also going to be best to take that courage and tell him or her, "I really like you and I haven't heard from you. Please be honest how you're feeling and hopefully we can at least be friends if not more." That step of honesty is very important and will clear up a lot of tension or nervousness. If you are thinking they're busy with stuff, write a little note and pass it on to them. Also, if you think their phone is dead, contact one of their friends and ask (be careful who), and then just wait.
-Never let your hopes down, calls are best, and remember if one guy or girl doesn't click with you there are several others in this world.
I don't think this is the best post, but a few of my thoughts!
*Remember this is a very opinionated post as well.
Good luck!
Stay Strong,
Image from http://bustedhalo.com/features/pure-sex-pure-love-117-sms-vs-the-language-of-love
*Interesting article as well: are we texting our way out of potential relationships?
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Be Well Red Tea
During the academic semester our lives can feel so busy and overwhelming that it can be hard to get things straight. With 20 different things happening everyday you can strive off of it or become overwhelmed and depressed with all of it. It all depends on one's mood and what else is happening in his or her life.
In order to combat some of this stress I highly recommend Be Well Red Teas from the Republic of Tea. The teas in this collection are anything from get some zzz's, get happy, get relaxed, get charged, get gorgeous, etc. These teas are supposed to aid one with whatever issue ails them, whether that be digestive issues, a messed up sleep cycle, acne, depression, etc. Be sure to check out the link I put up for more info.
I personally have used their tea for sleep, depression, and clear skin. I find that all their teas taste great; I am a fan.
The other great point about all these teas is they are natural and safe. It isn't like I need to take a serious drug to combat acne, sleep issues, or depression. Even if the tea has no effect on the issue that is ailing you, it is still full of anti-oxidants and other health benefits.
*I do recommend reading the warning information on the teas before you purchase or drink it, some of the teas such as the Get Happy have ingredients such as St. John's Wort, which is great for mild to moderate depression, however can also make birth control less effective.
*If unsure if you should drink a tea, do not drink the tea or consult a doctor first.
Have a great day!
Check out these Teas,
Stay Strong,
(Picture from http://www.republicoftea.com/be-well-red-teas/c/1/)
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
"I prepare to suffer more than I have ever suffered." -Chrissie Wellington
It's Tuesday Morning in beautiful Vermont and I decided to wake up and go for a run.
I hadn't ran for a couple days, so today's run was well needed. There are a couple things that keep me going through a long run:
-The Biggest Loser (thinking of all the workouts they do on that show and are 300+ pounds, that will be for a different post)
-And Chrissie Wellington, Ironman Triathlete, World Champion, Regarded as one of the fittest people in the world.
For those that do not know, an Ironman is a 2.4mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and then a 26.2 mile run. This all needs to be completed within 17 hours to be considered an ironman, however athletes like Wellington do it in around 8 hours and 30 min to about 9 hours. Her fastest time and world record is 8:18:13 with a marathon time of 2:44:35, also a world record. Considering the intensity of these events that is incredible, and at the race she set the world record only 4 guys finished in front of her and only the men's winner had a faster marathon time then she did; she is scaring the guys, making them think they might get beat by a female. (while in most sports men biologically have an advantage)
I first discovered Wellington when I watched the Ford Ironman 2008 World Championships on Hulu. I did not know much about the event or competitors until I watched this movie. It really inspires me to continue working out and to increase my intensity or run that extra mile when running. There is one quote she says: "I prepare to suffer more than I have ever suffered." She says this because the ironman is such a long distance endurance event that it is not easy on the body and is very much a mental race as well as physical. If I am having a bad swim or run I will say that to myself as inspiration to keep on going and to give it my best. I may only be swimming a mile, which isn't much, but if I'm having a bad day I'll say that to myself and give myself that push I need.
I would also like to comment that Wellington went pro in the beginning of 2007 after winning the amateur triathlon world championships she started competing in olympic distance events. In the summer/fall her coach suggested she compete in an ironman. On August 26th, 2007, she competed in ironman Korea and placed first for women, 7th overall, and was about 50 min ahead of the 2nd place female racer. That qualified her for Ironman World Championship in Kona Hawaii. She entered this competition unknown and won the race. Her win is considered one of the biggest shocks in triathlon/sports history because she was unknown, only her 2nd ironman, and she was racing against the best in the world. From there on she has never lost a race at the ironman distance.
For more info I do recommend wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrissie_Wellington
Stay Strong!
What do you all think of Wellington?
(Picture from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/othersports/article-1317286/Chrissie-Wellington-Only-matter-time-women-beat-men-Ironman.html)
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Exercise 2/21: Circuit Training, Workout Time Constraints
Circuit training is one of the most effective all-around work outs I have done and it is self created to one's own liking. Circuit training is great because it is an all-around work-out and one can combine aerobic and anaerobic activities in one go. I therefore can effectively get my cardio and strength workouts done in anywhere between 30min to an hour.
I advise doing circuit training on an indoor track if available.
My method for circuit training is I choose a different station at each corner of the track.
I generally go to a different corner after 2 laps around the track. Each corner can change, as long as you keep on moving. If you get fatigued, at least walk. Do not just stand and rest, the goal is to keep moving.
Examples of exercises for each category/corner:
-Varieties of push ups
-Different ab exercises: sit ups, planks, etc.
-Jumping Jacks
-Wall Sits
-Different weight lifting exercises
-Ladder exercises
-Add in a sprint around the track.
The whole purpose of these stations is to add something in that is strength and also gets
your heart rate up faster, meaning you're likely to burn more calories (if that is what you're aiming for). It also just makes you a more rounded athlete and can work a variety of muscles within little time.
It's a great work out on a busy day and I'm a big fan. Adapt to your liking, and don't stop moving!
Please comment and give me a review of what you think!
Have a great day!
Stay Strong!
(I thought this photo was interesting, you can do it yourself instead of having to pay.